Happy 10th Birthday to Nelson Town Council

Celebrations took place throughout the year and the official 10 year anniversary was marked at the Food Festival event in September 2018

 Weather doesn’t stop the food fest fun as thousands flocked to Nelson
10 year anniversary of nelson town council The Town Council marked it's 10 year anniversary celebration! 


Promotional video launched to mark the 10 year celebration of the Town Council

Check out our promotional video which marks the 10 year anniversary celebration of Nelson Town Council.  The anniversary highlights video is set to be aired at local schools to coincide with their citizenship classes and at various community organisations. The video features councillors past and present talking about the developments the Town Council has made in 10 years.  



To mark the Town Council’s 10 year anniversary, Nelson Town Council launched its new Town Council website.  The new site looks completely different to the existing one and has been notable for its fresh, modern and user friendly design.  The site offers information to residents on the council services transferred from the borough council, room and hall hire at the Unity Wellbeing Centre and Revive Café. Residents are also able to read up on the history of Nelson and access other sites via the quick links feature as well as accessing local government information including agendas, minutes and financial information in compliance with the Transparency Code. The site is accessible on the same domain www.nelsontowncouncil.gov.uk and was officially launched on Monday 6th August 2018.   

Town Centre Events

The Council has given away a number of promotional items at our town centre events. Giveaways included promotional pens, stickers and balloons. The anniversary year has also been marked with a new anniversary logo that can be seen on our new website. The official celebration cake was celebrated at our recent food festival event that took place in September 2018.  

Welcome signage 

As part of plans we shall soon be making decisions on the final design of the welcome signage coming into Nelson. If you feel you have ideas which you would like us to consider please contact the town clerk.