Lancashire County Council - Champions for Parish and Town Councils

Lancashire County Councils appoints a Champion to support Town and Parish Councils. The role of the champion is to assist the Leader and appropriate Cabinet Members by advising on ways to sustain and improve effective working relationships between the Council and Parish and Town Councils in Lancashire.


Champions are allocated a sum of £10,000 per annum for use at their discretion to finance their activities including:

  • Organising and attending meetings, seminars and conferences and other similar events;
  • The payment of a grant or loan to individuals and outside bodies and organisations within the scope of their remit; and
  • Other incidental costs necessary to enable them to fulfil their roles. 

 Any unspent balance up to a maximum of £2,500 can be carried over from one financial year to the next giving a maximum budget of £12,500.

The approval of expenditure to be incurred by a Champion has been delegated by the Leader of the Council to the Director of Governance, Finance and Public Services


Each Champion is required to prepare in June each year an annual report to the Cabinet on their activities in the preceding financial year.

Special Responsibility Allowance and Travel/Subsistence

Champions receive a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme and should reclaim the cost of any necessary travel and subsistence under and in accordance with the Scheme. 

Lancashire County Council's Champion for Parish and Town Councils

Parish Champion - County Councillor Paul Rigby

County Councillor Paul Rigby is the Lancashire County Council Parish Champion. The role of Parish Champion is to assist the Leader of the County Council and appropriate portfolio holders by advising on ways to sustain and improve effective working relationships between the county council and parish and town councils in Lancashire. 

County Councillor Rigby can be contacted in the following ways:

Telephone: 07779 596592
Parish Champion Newsletter

Click on the newsletter below to view the Parish Champions Newsletters.