NW Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes

Published: 04 July 2017

We have received the following letter from the North West Blood Bikers following our event last month.

Dear Mr Watson

On behalf of North West Blood Bikes Lancs and Lakes I would like to thank you for inviting us to your event on 17th June, as a result we managed to raise approximately £300 and it was an enjoyable day.

We have just celebrated our 5th Anniversary and as you know our members provide an out of hours motorcycle delivery service, which supports the NHS in saving lives. Providing this transport costs money and many of our riders pay their own fuel bills and use their own bikes, but we do an emergency service also with specially equipped motorcycles with blue lights and sirens and the cost of running them is quite expensive, and often require replacement, so donations such as yours are fantastic.

To date we have handled over 36,000 call outs since we began operating in May 2012 and the numbers are ever increasing and without help from people like you we would not be able to do it, it is really appreciated and nice to know there are other people out there that really care.

Conservative estimates based on a standard taxi fare of £2.99 per mile show that we have saved the local NHS in Lancashire and South Lakes well over £3,000,000 so far, but more likely £3,500,000 because it includes runs as far away as Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, Abingdon, Porton Down, Charing Cross & Great Ormond Street.

Thank you from all of us at NWBB Lancs & Lakes.

Yours sincerely

Paul G Brooks JP (Chairman, Founder & Trustee)

Nelson Town Council would like to thank everyone who supported our event.