Services in Nelson
Published: 10 January 2014
At its meeting on Wednesday 8 January 2014, Nelson Town Council, at the request of Pendle Borough Council, considered the possibility of taking over responsibility for some services presently undertaken by the Borough Council.
The members of the Town Council decided that it would not be practical or possible to take over any of the services concerned in the forthcoming 2014/15 Municipal year.
The Council also decided, however, to ask the Finance and General Purposes Committee to consider in detail the possibilities, practicality and consequences of taking over some services in the following Municipal year and to report back to the full Council within nine months with recommendations.
The services which will be considered include the CCTV system in the town centre, Christmas decorations, car parks, bus route subsidies, enhanced street cleaning in the town centre, playing fields, park games and play areas.
The decision that will be made will have important financial consequences as substantial increases in the Council Tax levied by the Town Council will be needed to support any services taken over.